Following are the median (adjusted average) custom rates for some common farming practices for 2019, based on the “Iowa Farm Custom Rate Survey” :
Custom Farming Rates :
(Includes tillage, planting and harvesting costs)
- Corn ———— $132.25 per acre (Range = $80.00 – $225.00)
- Soybeans ——- $121.20 per acre (Range = $75.00 – $210.25)
- Small Grain —- $118.35 per acre (Range = $100.00 – $140.00)
Tillage :
- Moldboard Plow ———- $20.20 per acre
- Chisel Plow —————- $18.35 per acre
- Disk/Chisel —————- $19.70 per acre
- V-Ripper (deep tillage) — $23.45 per acre
- Field Cultivator ———— $16.00 per acre
- Tandem Disk ————— $15.40 per acre
- Chopping Cornstalks —— $12.40 per acre
Planting and Spraying :
- Planter With Attachments ——- $21.80 per acre (Extra charges for GPS, seed shutoffs, etc.)
- Planter Without Attachments — $20.40 per acre
- No-Till Planter ——————– $22.90 per acre
- Soybean Drill ——————— $19.10 per acre
- Grain Drill ————————- $18.35 per acre
- Crop Spraying (broadcast) ——- $ 7.65 per acre (self-propelled sprayer)
Harvesting Grain :
- Corn Combine ——————- $35.95 per acre ($41.35 with Chopper Head) – ($54.10 per acre with Grain Cart & Truck)
- Soybean Combine ————– $35.10 per acre ($38.50 with Draper Head) – ($51.55 per acre with Grain Cart & Truck)
- Small Grain Combine ———- $31.90 per acre
- Corn Grain Cart (in Field) —– $6.55 per acre
- Soybean Grain Cart (in Field) – $5.75 per acre
- Hauling Grain (5 mi. or less) — $0.10 per bushel
- Hauling Grain (5-25 mi.) ——- $0.16 per bushel
- Grain Auger Use (On Farm) — $0.06 per bushel
Harvesting Forages :
- Windrowing Hay ———————- $15.40 per acre
- Hay Baling (Small Square Bales) — $0.68 per bale
- Hay Baling (Large Square Bales) — $10.95 per bale
- Hay Baling (Large Round Bales) — $12.35 per bale ($13.05 per bale with wrap)
- Corn Stalk Baling (Large Bales) —- $12.35 per bale ($13.60 per bale with wrap)
- Haylage Chopping ——————— $ 8.40 per ton
- Silage Chopping ———————– $ 6.75 per ton
*** Table prepared by Kent Thiesse, Farm Management Analyst ***